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A Different Approach

The Rest Is Silence - Keith McCarthy

After heavy rains a body is found washed up from the river in a field. The young man is obviously the victim of some sexual assault. The police quickly focus on a convicted pedophile living in the nearby town as all evidence seems to point in his direction. But his lawyer and her partner - Helena Flemming and forensic examiner John Eisenmenger - are convinced he's not guilty in this case.

Once again I started right in the middle of a series. No problem. The book is very much focused on what is going on right at the moment. The investigation progresses from two approaches, the pieces of the puzzle being put together very differently by the two teams. At the beginning I had a bit of a difficult time keeping everybody straight, but as the story progressed things became clearer.

The way things unfold feels very authentic and the characters come alive nicely. There's a nice little dose of subtle humour in the writing I liked very much. Looking forward to reading more of these books.

I read a free copy in exchange for a honest review.